Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year's Eve!

Happy New Year! :3

they're outlined in their colors, but i don't know if you can tell

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Another Assassin's Creed II moment xD

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I pulled an Ezio

Today, i went to the mall again, and before my friends showed up~

I was walking around alone, and suddenly i came to the area where people try to get you to try out their products and guilt you into buying them.

Now, i'm really bad with people. So i would be a mush pile on my own.

So what did i do?

I saw a crowd of people and snuck onto it xDD it made me happy :3

and wow. I'm a main character in my comic xD

And yes, I wore my glasses today (i rarely wear them out)
And my new sweatshirt :3 it was black and all Kingdom Hearts-y :D

Monday, December 28, 2009

Choco and Trent

Ahh. The peeps who love the main characters ( Trent to Cassie and Choco to Straw if you didn't know)

I think Trent would be scared of Choco D:

Sunday, December 27, 2009

D8 Hug

Chocolate, why so pathetic? xDD

I'm his master, i can be mean to him

But Chocolate is literally nothing without Strawberry.... I mean, thinking about what Chocolate would be without Strawberry is pretty depressing xDD (think Toffee)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

La La


Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

And here's a picture~

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Almost here~

And Strawberry has no clue what Christmas is...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Way to shut him up

Yay for no words

And wow! Almost Christmas 8D

Monday, December 21, 2009


Ahhh... ChillyAcademicIV, i love you xDDDD You and your randomness

Sunday, December 20, 2009

8D No Sleep

Happy birthday ChillyAcademicIV!

8DD I got NO sleep at ChillyAcademicIV's birthday party~ 8D and yes... this happened xD

It was a fun party~

Saturday, December 19, 2009



At Anime Club
We got to pick a basic pokemon to be our starter thing
And I got
Buizel xD Or at least, my character got a buizel :3

My character's name is Ramen and her buizel's Nori (the seaweed that can top ramen)

So apparently, i have a lot of characters named after food *3* but Ramen is a nickname for her, i don't even know if she has a name xD

Friday, December 18, 2009


I don't think Strawberry can think any less or more of him.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


this has been in my head all day : that just shows how sad i am xDDD

It all started as a doodle in US history... xD but i redrew it for a comic :3

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Chocolate covered anything day~

And yes, i'm too tired to do anything 'wee' ;-;

B-But Chocolate's covering Strawberry? xD (ahh~ even more jokes xD)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Stalk Stalk

Is it bad that StalkerDoctor Chocolate was alot of fun to write for? xDD I enjoyed writing his scene, though it wasn't very long x3

I thought it was cute to write ._.

Though he is very creepy

Monday, December 14, 2009


Yup. Chocolate's apparently looking at something on his phone... and even i don't know D8

Jorge belongs to Baka-Pocky

Sunday, December 13, 2009


No, I didn't go skating today (and i never will xD went once, that's the last time)

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Today, I ate chocolate covered strawberries at the mall :3

And yes, i like dipping french fries in milk shakes :D

Friday, December 11, 2009

I approve!

I approve of 'The Princess and the Frog'

it was totally worth waiting years for! :D

Thursday, December 10, 2009


You have no clue how excited i am to see "The Princess and the Frog" :D

And Chocolate is afraid of frogs XD *torture torture torture*

The Princess and the Frog belong to disney

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day

Yep, today was a snow day :D

Tuesday, December 8, 2009




Yay XD

I feel so accomplished :D

Monday, December 7, 2009

Oh Yes

That's not creepy Chocolate.

Anywho, as far as explaining this goes:
  • This comic is when they are older (Chocolate has his scar)
  • And it's kinda my anouncement about their careers xD

So, i've decided that Chocolate will evenually become a plague doctor (i-i like the idea, and it matches him... kinda, he'd be like... a super doctor xDD) and Strawberry gets to be happy and be a blacksmith :3

I'm not sure if it's going to stay like this though, but i really like the idea O_o

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Doctor 8D

I think they look cool :3

And it's the right time period if i bother paying attention to Choco/Straw's xD

Saturday, December 5, 2009







Friday, December 4, 2009

Well, that's it

Well, tonight the show 'Monk' ended.
I loved that show. I thought it was great.
And strangely enough, it has some pretty good memories.

One of them being: Chocolate and Strawberry

Did i ever tell anyone that?
I know i've told a few people, but I can't remember;;;
In, what, 2008? I invented them?
I remember sitting in my kitchen watching the 'Monk' marathon on a little TV, getting a little frusturated with the table i had to use, taking a few pieces of paper and just drawing, eventually those weird people popped up and they slowly grew. I still have those pictures, and i don't think they're going to be thrown out (and yes, for the millionth time, i need to scan those)

They've changed so much since they were invented, both looks and attitude.

But really?
It's kinda sad to see the show end, I guess I have a pretty deep attachment to it because of that memory (besides it being a great show;; )
(so go thank 'Monk' for these two xD)

And yes, my eyes got watery, I did not cry though :)

And now, I'll just put this here because it's cute xD

*runs off to sob*

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I-I hate project stress *sobs*

I have a group Latin project and a solo US History project


i'm miserable basically DX
and i actually had a comic for today that i couldn't use because i have to hurry and finish my US history project...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

.../ Paper Craft!

So, no one will get this xD
In this year's NaNoWriMo story, Strawberry's the cashier at some random corner store xD And Chocolate's some weird kid XD
And Chocolate has a soap fetish ...

And now~! Paper Craft!

And, this was taken with my laptop's camera xD so it's... not the best quality

8D I have Chocolate staring at Strawberry when they're together xD

Gee, that's a bad picture of Chocolate D:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Yay! Back with comics :D

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009



And to those who didn't, you guys tried. You may have not won NaNoWriMo, but you did not loose. I still think you're a winner :)

now i can go back and fangirl over Chocolate/Strawberry

Saturday, November 28, 2009

NaNoWriMo 28


Yup. A doodle of Miss. Adia :3

I've been writing her a lot today *sobs* why won't this story do something? xD; the characters are at least doing things... but where is my story line? D:

Friday, November 27, 2009

NaNoWriMo 27


It's true!! D'8

I'm 40, 026 words into my novel, a-and there's no point! there is no story whatsoever! DX

At least for Chocolate/Strawberry's story, the reader at least got a bit of a plot (as crackish as it seems....) but they get a taste of the real plot much later in the story! but at least the first plot was entertaining DX *sobs*
(there's one plot, then there's the real plot hidden within the first plot *wiggles fingers*)

I-I think Chocolate and Strawberry may be my character soul mates or something xD Even though they disobeyed me, made me miserable, made me cry, made me want to beat them up, BUT THE MAJORITY OF THIS YEAR'S CHARACTERS ARE LISTENING TO ME!!! b-but!! THEY AREN'T DOING ANYTHING GREAT EXCEPT STAYING MORE IN CHARACTER THAN CHOCO/STRAW *sobs* IT WAS SCI-FI FOR LIKE A SECOND

*curls up and dies*

And i'm having withdrawal from people D'8 I MISS YOU PEOPLE

*dies again*

Thursday, November 26, 2009

NaNoWriMo 26


let's be whatever color this is 8D

So here's a doodle sheet that my brother (jack07) and i did on the way home from out grandma's house

The pictures are (from the top over) :
Toledo (the bird)- me
Trip- jack07
Croagunk xD- mainly me
City- jack07
Eye brow croagunk-jack07
Weird crogunk near Toledo (without eye brows xD)- me
France/Jeanne (GASP!!! MY HET HETALIA PAIRING)- me xD
Trent- me

Isn't it so pretty? :B

Characters belong to their owners

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

NaNoWriMo 25

Jamie finally came back into my story :3

I missed her
Silly story for kicking her out for so long :(

Anywho, I felt like drawing her in this kind of outfit...

(And Lately, I've been fangirling over a Hetalia pairing XDDD but i have no clue if anyone even knows i like it... it's het *gasp* did i tell any of you, or did i just freak out over yaoi?)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

NaNoWriMo 24

Okies, well, i was writing with Jin-Ho and Falito a lot today xD So i doodled them dressed as their countrys?

I blame ChillyAcademicIV
She's now interested in Hetalia, so i have more people to fangirl with 8'D

And the amazing America cosplayer at AAC (holy crap, she is such love ;0; )

Ok, other pictures

I doodled this one the other day in math class (...with ChillyAcademicIV) and she may color it on the computer, and looking at it, i want to try coloring it in a few different ways xD (traditional and i want to try coloring it on the computer too)

And I doodled this one after my reading quiz :3

Fffff I love you America ;-; I'm getting better at drawing you too xD

Monday, November 23, 2009

NaNoWriMo 23

I-I was listening to too many songs that reminded me of Chocolate's relationship with Strawberry xD
And like always, he gets his way... So though it's not too romantic (Chocolate's blushing, if you can't tell (and it makes me squee *0*)) but it's them, so it's cute 8D
And i've been fangirling over my new wallet (right school friends? xDD)
I even see it as I type 0_0

If you must know the songs:
  1. I'd Lie- Taylor Swift xDDD ( it actually matches them to the point it freaks me out xD I can rant about them)
  2. Fairytale-Alexander Rybak (matches him very well, i think and their relationship :3) (and i think he sounds like he should be in Animaniacs xDD his voice at least)
  3. Believe Again-Brinck

and now you know how cheesy he is xDD that's all you're getting peeps, i want him to have at least a little respect xDD

Dunno about you, but i think Chocolate is quite handsome xD (Strawberry is cute though :3 ) but like, not just in this picture, i mean in general, which, makes me pretty happy xD i always wanted an attractive character that wasn't just cute (i-i seem pretty good at the cute thing) but Chocolate is both, so yay! :D

Sunday, November 22, 2009

NaNoWriMo 22

AAC Day 3 was basically a Hetalia Day xDD hence my Hetalia-ish ocs
You've already met my Mithonia-kun, so here's Rozkia-san! :D (pronounced with a rolling 'r')

I played Left For Dead (or whatever the game is called DX) and holy crap, lots of blood
But i was actually very good at it O_o
(I used an axe, and i tend to be better at hitting games vs. shooting games)
I got top score or whatever :D
Bad part: whenever i wacked someone, my screen became bloodier DX so yeah, my screen was very red xDD

I went to the Chess match with a few friends (who i have no clue what they want to be called xDD same friends i sat around opening sodas with)

After, I found my America and then Okami, America and I (ff~ i'll just call you Okami xD) made cookies :3

I-I forget who Okami made;;;;;
But i made a Chocolate and America made a Jules (her oc)

Then we went to a Hetalia panel, which ran like 1983019238 minutes late xD (not that i mind :D)
And then mentioned that they will be running a panel at Anime Boston about how to make historically accurate Hetalia ocs (which, I made up Rozkia and Mithonia's pasts before i made the people, and just decided on it xD) but i didn't say anything, because like i said, they aren't real countries :(

Though, Mithonia is close to Italy, because.... truthfully, i have a ton of Italians in this country xD

Rozkia on the other hand, is the story where my other story takes place (Stepping Stones, you know, with Nar and the gang?) and is a giant mutt xD but i'm not too sure where it's going to be though...

But i'll draw a comic of their past and stuff sometime

So Now I bought:
  1. Lucky Star Blind box (xD)
  2. A Roy cell phone charm (he's so cute)
  3. A Piplup cell chone charm
  4. A Spock and an Al thing xD
it was fun :3 and for Anime Boston I'm being...


yes, i am happy :3

I ADORE FINLAND 8'D *jumps around*

Saturday, November 21, 2009

NaNoWriMo 21


They aren't necessarily a couple (i refuse to say any couples in their story xD), but i wonder how many people will support them together...

Anywho, Today was fun :3
I got to do my first Photoshoot xDD

And (oh gee, hard to remember the rest of the day ;-; )

Got a lot of autographs, I got~!:

  1. Bill Rogers (I apparently made his day with the item i brought for him to Autograph :D it made me so happy :D (it was a Croagunk xD) and he commented that he needed to go to a Toys R Us and get one :3)
  2. Michele Knotz
  3. Wendy Powell
  4. Chris Cason

And then i noticed that i had a lot of FMA Autographs xD (my autograph book has a lot of FMA in it, not just them)

Today i bought:

  1. A Shinji to match my Kaworu
  2. A Piplup plush
  3. A Luffy thing
  4. America/England Pins
  5. Pokeball pins
  6. A Commission :D (Chocolate and Strawberry~!)
  7. A Cat thing
  8. A Japanese soda (because it deserves to be mentioned)

Friday, November 20, 2009

NaNoWriMo 20

AAC Day 1

Major Accomplishment: I opened a drink

And not just any drink, one of those Japanese drinks xD

And no, my two friends and i did not spend ten mintues trying to open it before we found out how to.
No, not at all *shot*

I went as Chibitalia and my America went as Canada (xD)
I got to see an Austria 8'D who hugged me and said they were proud of their son/daughter thing xD

Tom. I'm being England :3

As for what i bought:
  1. A Chocolate/Strawberry wallet (you know i have problems)
  2. Simon/Kamina plushie
  3. Kaworu cell phone charm (that i can't use on my phone DX)
  4. A Typhlosion Magnet ( :D and it even has chocolate and strawberries on it xD IT'S PERFECT)
  5. A Prussia picture from a Prussia and Canada who gave me candy 8D
  6. An 'I Heart Axis Powers Hetalia Pin
  7. A Croagunk puppet :3

As for saddnes, someone bought all the Cyndaquil plushies : NOT COOL YOU LOOSER. i wanted one so badly, it breaks MY HEART (i agree with the vender, i should go beat them up xDD)

And No Kittan figures :( no one likes him enough yet...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

NaNoWriMo 19


Tom.'s AAC ...
*is nervous*
I'm goiing as Chibitalia tom. and England the rest of the weekend (because I thought my America wasn't coming on Friday, but she is now @0@ but she said to go as Chibitalia...) i still feel bad though DX i was just going to go as Chibitalia on Friday because I thought she wasn't going *sobs*

Hetalia is not mine.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

NaNoWriMo 18

I was given so much pokemon stuff today xDD and! even fan art 8'D i had a mini heart attack :)

So i drew Trent with a raichu, though i can't see him having a raichu, i see him having those freakishly adorable pokemon xD

(though, i can see Chocolate with a jigglypuff : BECAUSE THAT'S SO MANLY D'8 and Strawberry with his meowth~ *needs to draw that* )

if only i got to type more :( stupid brother's teacher for assigning him homework that he had to do on the laptop -_- and the only thing i got to type was homework, which i didn't even finish xD