Happy New Year! :3
they're outlined in their colors, but i don't know if you can tell
So, i've decided that Chocolate will evenually become a plague doctor (i-i like the idea, and it matches him... kinda, he'd be like... a super doctor xDD) and Strawberry gets to be happy and be a blacksmith :3
I'm not sure if it's going to stay like this though, but i really like the idea O_o
*curls up and dies*
And i'm having withdrawal from people D'8 I MISS YOU PEOPLE
*dies again*
and now you know how cheesy he is xDD that's all you're getting peeps, i want him to have at least a little respect xDD
Dunno about you, but i think Chocolate is quite handsome xD (Strawberry is cute though :3 ) but like, not just in this picture, i mean in general, which, makes me pretty happy xD i always wanted an attractive character that wasn't just cute (i-i seem pretty good at the cute thing) but Chocolate is both, so yay! :DAnd then i noticed that i had a lot of FMA Autographs xD (my autograph book has a lot of FMA in it, not just them)
As for saddnes, someone bought all the Cyndaquil plushies : NOT COOL YOU LOOSER. i wanted one so badly, it breaks MY HEART (i agree with the vender, i should go beat them up xDD)
And No Kittan figures :( no one likes him enough yet...