Friday, November 27, 2009

NaNoWriMo 27


It's true!! D'8

I'm 40, 026 words into my novel, a-and there's no point! there is no story whatsoever! DX

At least for Chocolate/Strawberry's story, the reader at least got a bit of a plot (as crackish as it seems....) but they get a taste of the real plot much later in the story! but at least the first plot was entertaining DX *sobs*
(there's one plot, then there's the real plot hidden within the first plot *wiggles fingers*)

I-I think Chocolate and Strawberry may be my character soul mates or something xD Even though they disobeyed me, made me miserable, made me cry, made me want to beat them up, BUT THE MAJORITY OF THIS YEAR'S CHARACTERS ARE LISTENING TO ME!!! b-but!! THEY AREN'T DOING ANYTHING GREAT EXCEPT STAYING MORE IN CHARACTER THAN CHOCO/STRAW *sobs* IT WAS SCI-FI FOR LIKE A SECOND

*curls up and dies*

And i'm having withdrawal from people D'8 I MISS YOU PEOPLE

*dies again*

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