Wednesday, September 30, 2009

D8 He's...

Oh Croissant dear, I don't understand how your brain works xD You guys are total opposites xD

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thinking Ahead~

Blah blah xD

I was invited to a Halloween party a while back.

And so, since i don't go trick-or-treating anymore, I need to think of a simple costume.
A-and I'm so tempted to go as Chocolate XDDD He's such an easy costume~

And now~
Random Girl!

She is kinda developing a story, and it's a comedy *gasp*
Hope it may work out xD;;; No clue If i'm going to do this, especially my pokemon fangirl keeps telling me to make a fancomic xD

Monday, September 28, 2009

Question #7

Question #7

I-i wasn't too sure xD I know Chocolate carries around things with him, but Strawberry keeps things in the rooms his staying in, vs. in his pocket *_*

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fortune Cookie

Fortune cookies :3

My mom got this fortune once xD

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Book Report Blues ;-;


This book project is KILLING me DX
I've been working on it for so long~ at least it's going to be over soon :D

So the book i read was 'A Farewell to Arms' by Ernest Hemingway

Strawberry's phone = win

Friday, September 25, 2009

Question #6

Question #6
xD I love Croissant and Loquat

(i'm totally jealous of Chocolate sleeping in like, every comic xD; )

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Break from Questions;;;;

A break ;-; I'm pretty tired xD;;

Now, at the beginning, i had no clue where it was going xD But, towards the end I thought of Spongebob xD;;;;


shut up i have no clue DX let me sleeeeeeeeeeeeep xD

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Question #5

Question # 5 :)
If i was picking the month, I'd pick a summer month, like July because Strawberry's a hothead xD
And bonus! xD;;; Wallpaper that I'll put on DA someday~ it's my current desktop xD I just colored a picture i doodled in class :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Question #4

...Question #4 xD;;

Yep, for those who read my journal, a repeat i guess, I guess BakaPocky Likes this question? xD;;

Monday, September 21, 2009

Question #3

Question #3 :)

I really want to draw them cosplaying as Repo! characters xD

I must say, Vanilla would be Amber xD

And Toffee would enjoy being a Repo Man xD and possibly a Croissant Shilo? (Or Strawberry Shilo, I must agree with you on these three ChillyAcademicIV)

No clue about anyone else xD

But i think Vanilla is perfect for Amber 8D

Repo! The genetic Opera is not mine

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Question #2

Question #2 :)

Yep yep. This one was harder to do xD;

Chocolate's a heavy sleeper ._.

*Distracted by King Kong*

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Question #1

8D Question #1

Ok, now, i love these two~ They are just...never in any scenes together D:

But, for a while I dubbed them having a past xD

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009



but yeah, I kinda wanna do comics with characters from that NaNoWriMo novel anwsering questions, and i may take the few i got last time in my DA journal

they can be stupid questions too, i just want to draw how they'd react xD

and now, who are they? I'll try to name them all xD

  1. Strawberry
  2. Chocolate
  3. Croissant
  4. Toffee (this number just for you, you know who you are)
  5. Pineapple
  6. Razz
  7. Straw/Razz Mom
  8. Straw/Razz Dad
  9. Eclair
  10. Loquat
  11. Cake
  12. Pie
  13. Pitt
  14. Plum
  15. Watermelon 'Melly'
  16. "Kiwi"
  17. Choco Mom
  18. Choco Dad
  19. Vanilla
  20. Fairies? xD Do they deserve a spot?
  21. Others? who I'm forgetting D:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What Now?

Does anyone else laugh at the commercial that says 'The First Pregnancy Test Just for Women'?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I kinda want to do that too...

FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL! XDDD i bet you ANYTHING you have no clue who this guy is. Not Cannoli, you know Cannoli

But the other guy doesn't look like himself at all D: I never noticed how on the show, they almost always cut off the very tip of his head xDD NOT HELPFUL WHEN TRYING TO DRAW HIM

Mystery Character who is awesome Belongs to the creators of NCIS
Can you guess who? xDD

Monday, September 14, 2009


(the characters are Croissant, Toffee, and Loquat (another picture of Toffee and Loquat at the bottom))

this happened to me today at Wal-Mart

Ok, let me explain
-I went to WM to get the Repo! DVD (they didn't have it )
-I saw that they had Guitar Hero Beatles :D
-I wanted to play, but this guy was playing
-I stayed around and watched, waiting for him to finish
-He kept looking at me xD;; so i left and joined my brother
-I saw the screen was at the menu
-I was happy, dragged my brother and his book to the guitar hero thing
-Only to discover he stole the guitar and left the drums

no, just no. no being stupid, i'm addicted to that game and i don't even have it xDD the only chance i get to get NEAR the game, and the looser before me stole the controller xDDD


So i didn't get a DVD and i didn't play guitar hero D:

Walmart and Guitar Hero do not belong to me

Also~ I drew a collab with my friend ChillyAcademicIV on DA during math class :3

I drew Loquat (the happy guy) and she drew Toffee (the one with the axe 8D)
Isn't it lovely? I love Toffee in it xD

And i also drew Puppy on a cupcake on the same paper :D

I'm tempted to name it 'Cookie' xD

Sunday, September 13, 2009


;-; I'm so tired xDD

I think Strawberry and Vanilla need to talk to each other in a comic...originally this was going to be it... but i couldn't do it xD i'm so braindead right now

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Care to dance?

I think not...

Basically, this kinda happened? xD it just ended better...until Chocolate said something xD;

I saw Repo! today :3

Friday, September 11, 2009


D8 Did i just get them a dog? (or did Chocolate just buy Strawberry a dog? xDD)
Bah~ Puppy wasn't in my story D8 they had a horse xDDD (or Chocolate had a few horses...) Guess they have a new pet xD

(i saw the cutest puppy today~ i blame her! XD )

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Chicken Sandwich

Bah~ A bit of the bottom was cut off D8

Basically, My lunch day, thanks Aggie! (except i got no Milkshake) Bah~ Stupid Sandwich xD Fffffff~ And we even told people it was chicken patties xDDD woops~

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


xD They are pretty popular with my friends at school D;

And yes, some make jokes about them and you know who you are! xD

i had to use my drawing pen XD

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Bah, I don't think Strawberry's a crybaby DX

I mean...sure he cries a few times...more than i thought he would... A lot more...
And gee, Chocolate's such an oddball about it D: though, I can't blame him xD He doesn't know what to do~ (he never does when it comes to people DX) But yeah, when they're 17/18 Chocolate just kinda...stares o_O But i guess that's why characters grow up.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Guitar Hero 8D

I played Guitar Hero Today for the first time :) I was...kinda good xD I kept getting 86% xD Which, i guess is good.

As not many people know, Strawberry's pretty good at muscial things, and I would assume he would be good at games like Guitar Hero (though, it's not like playing a real guitar xD)

Chocolate on the other hand, though he is good with his hands, for some reason, he's musically challenged. And I can't see him being good at this game D:

Also xD I found this amusing

Guitar Hero is not mine D:

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Does anyone else do that? xD;;

Ok so today, I was cutting a slice of my leftover cake, and for the people who know too much about me, they know i can't cut cake. So i cut it and it fell i kinda just picked it up and put it on my plate xD

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Happy Birthday~

I don't know xD;
I personally wouldn't mind getting hugged by Strawberry :3

Friday, September 4, 2009


I have always wanted them to go singing somewhere xD; Though Chocolate is bad at singing, but still~

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Forgetful D:

Bah~ Every since I started middle school, I've had memory issues ;-;

And in high school it's MUCH worse xD; Multiple times I'm just talking and suddenly, I forget what i was talking about or forget what i said, or use the wrong word O_o (like one time, i wanted popcorn so i started saying how i wanted chicken xD; )

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Day back at School

And sadly, my first day was a combo of both xD
Luckily, i have my first two blocks and my lunch with friends :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Strawberry would pick something to be closer to Pineapple xD;; Way to express your opinion on Pineapple in front of Chocolate xD (you got him jealous D8 )

But fun fact! When Strawberry was younger and just met Pineapple and obsessing over him he watched Pineapple work as a black smith and wanted to be like him and he was going to be, but something happened and he couldn't :( He's still a bit sad about that, but when he's a bit older, he's happy since he got Chocolate because of that xD;;