Thursday, April 7, 2011

Well now, I just has a strange run-into. Even taking sociology class, it never crossed my mind as a girl that our society teaches us to 'not get raped' and society not to not rape.... Why doesn't our society focus on the people who do the crimes instead of telling the victims to shut up? Shouldn't the focus be on getting RID of the problem and not telling people to find a way to deal with it?

more like I saw a stamp and it put a thinker to my brain xD here's the dA journal

1 comment:

  1. There are these awesome posters up at one of the univerity buildings. It's something like:

    Men! What YOU need to know to avoid rape!
    -Travel in large groups
    -Do not dress provocatively!
    and blah blah blah with some tagline along the lines of "Sounds rediculous, right? Then why is this what we tell women?"

    Victim blaming makes me rage. It's always some form of, "what did she do to provoke him?" from someone, and it's total bull.
