Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fears (and ramble)

Does anyone else have weird fears?

The only weird fear that i'm going to go and announce is:

The toilet.

What? The thing you go to the bathroom on?

Well, only at certain times xD
Like 12-3 in the morning, like if you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night?But I can go to the bathroom just fine, thank you.

Holy crap, it freaks me out xD;;

I personally think that it's because ever since i was little, I've been told about Bloody Mary.

Now, I don't know if My Bloody Mary is the same as your Bloody Mary.

MY Bloody Mary is where you sit on the toilet and at midnight, you say her name three times with your hands out (palms up). Babies were said to appear in your hands and if you dropped one of them you would get stabbed in the back.

It's safely said that I never played the game.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but the thought of this still freaks me out xD; I know it's stupid, and I know it doesn't exist. But that doesn't change the fact that it freaks me out.

And because of Bloody Mary, I have to flush the toilet and run out of the bathroom xD and I don't look at the mirrors at night either. Because my brain still tells me that something will be there that ISN'T MY FACE DB


I just looked up 'Bloody Mary' on wiki and got freaked out by: Bloody Mary (folklore), a ghost said to appear in mirrors when summoned.


Elementary school, why?

here;s the wiki
I'm spazzing over it, how sad is that? XD;

Ok! Ramble done 8D;;

1 comment:

  1. XD Ours was always the mirror.

    I'm afraid of elevators xD;; and bees.
