Friday, October 8, 2010

Back after AAC

Yeah. AAC has been eating my life for the past few months, so I suddenly decided: why not come back after the con? Stop freaking myself out?

Yeah, cool story. xD

My readers should comment on this with a character or two and I'll draw them as a thank you for sticking with me :)

If no one chibi for you LAWL

thank you guys for sticking with me :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi! :D (sorry for the random comment)
    What is AAC? ^^; Sorry, I'm ignorant.
    Yesh, if it freaks you out, it's probably best to not do it, or do it later :D (unfortunately it's not the same for homework, but oh well).
    Umm good luck? XD (on stopping freaking yourself out? ^^; )

  3. Don't worry, I'm way behind on my comic blog too! DX
