Monday, May 31, 2010



and yep! Lass Ramen got a twitter :3
oh... the site makes links itself? i was going to say that i didn't feel like it xD cool


:D Went camping~
But i was in a cabin D:




Not like you can tell xDD

All three nano novels have green and brown eyed colors xD
Strawberry Chocolate
Trent Cassie
Taji Mikio

And Docka has green eyes 8D

Saving the turtle


i made it kinda nice in the comic xD, the turtle I helped attacked me xDDD


Yep, I be writing oneshots at school xD

New Phone~

:D Shayminlover/whatever your name is on here, got a new phone :D



New Book?

Le sob xD

Spoon DX

I had a mental breakdown over a spoon when i got back from NYC.. heh, no sleep can do that xD


I took so many pictures with my monkey in NYC :D

Almost there

Day before NYC :D

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Myth is a butt/Question

Yep, Myth

BUT! I totally want to make a twitter account for a character xD But i don't want to do it unless they have someone to talk to...

So, if i do, it would either be Strawberry or Ramen :3 (or both)

Would someone consider making a twitter account so our characters can talk?
I don't want to make an account unless they have a friend xDDDD And if you do want to do this with me, can you tell me who? Like, original character verses a pokemon character ( in my case at least xD it can be other fandoms xDD)

And my characters can start having friends xD


I think it sounds like fun...

(happy late birthday Ren! *hugs* Hope you had a nice birthday dear :D )

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Yeppers! :D Myth is evil

YOU would have had to watch Troy, to half get the HECTOR!! joke xD;

Monday, May 17, 2010

Comic Comeback xD

A-Am I done uploading yet? @0@

Birthdays :)

:) Yep! Two birthday's that I can think of are today:

My friend who I'm not sure what to call her on here xD
And my late dog

Happy birthday to you both!

PkMn Trainer :D

D: Poor Ramen~ Being robbed when she's trying to save up money xDDD




Whoever has had a dog, probably had the same thing happen to them xD

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stupid Lady D:



I'm possibly going to Hawaii :D

AND STRAWBERRY HAS A MOM D8 and a dad... who's voice is just here xD;;;


I was eating some really good italian cookies the other day xD;

And no, i don't care that it's cut off DX i swear, if anyone complains...


I was playing Mass Effect, and my current Shepard, Mason, started bobbing his head around xD;

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Silly Video

I was watching those videos for kids 1-5 who want to learn a language xD

And, yeah, Since I have to draw her comic, here are Ramen's colors, excuse the fact it's old D:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Chapstick :D

it's so yummy and cool xDD

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ew xD Life~

I has a masquerade and mythology homework xDD i was too dead to do anything

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So, yeah Ren, I just picked the first dress xDD I painted my nails silver with black flowers to match xD;;;

And now... I don't know D: I'm trying to not think about tomorrow... DX ew. Do not want.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I discovered that I look stupid in dresses :l

And I'm not looking forward to picking what art to take a picture with xDD Silly Art Honor Society xDD

I'm thinking a comic ( D8 ) and my monochromatic self portrait? since yellow is apparently hard and people gave me compliments on it xDD


And I'm all JR high again DX

Monday, May 3, 2010



it has nothing to do with facial hair... but Alain has facial hair XDDD he's one of my only characters that do xD And i think he's handsome with it :) xDDD i hate facial hair, so this is saying something

but ok, example that is being refrenced from NaNoWriMo 2009: obviously slight spoiler xDD just nothing important

Cassie took the bottle and got in line next to Jin-Ho. As she waited in line, Cassie bent over and picked up a chocolate bar too.
“Why are you here?”
Cassie looked around for the source of the voice. Eventually, she pin pointed it at the cashier.
“It’s almost your break time…” A blonde teenager stated, looking at the red headed cashier.
The red head blushed. Looking around, he leaned towards the blonde. “Go away!”
The blonde looked down at his watch. “It’s almost your break time …”
The cashier looked at Jin-Ho and Cassie.
“When I finish with them, I’ll go with you, ok?”
The blonde took a quick look at them. Putting his hand in his pocket, he pulled out a wallet. “If I pay for them, can you come with me faster?”
The red head blushed. Leaning over the register, he told the blonde to go away. In response, the blonde pulled out a few bills and handed them over. The red head straightened up and reluctantly accepted the money. Counting it, the cashier gave the change back to the blonde.
“You guys are paid for …” The red head muttered his face a deep red.
Wow, Cassie thought to herself. That was pretty cool. Putting her wallet back, Cassie walked over to Trent and handed him the green drink.
“Thank you!” He cheered as Jin-Ho joined them.
“You guys have to leave. I mean, you guys can come back it’s just I have … break.” The red head stated, taking off his green apron.
The trio looked at him.
“We can just sit on the ground and drink.” Cassie stated as they started to walk over to the door. The red head followed closely behind them, tying a pink scarf around his neck. Flipping the ‘Open’ sign to ‘Closed’, the red head walked outside, closely followed by the blonde.
“I bought you a drink …” The blonde stated, watching the red head as he locked the shop.
The cashier stiffened. Without looking at the blonde, he took the bottle and sat down on the curb. The blonde sat beside him.
“Mind if we join you?” Trent asked.
The red head took a sip of his drink. Looking up at Trent, he blinked his bright green eyes up at him. “Oh, sure.”
Trent sat down next to the blonde. Looking at them, Cassie sat next to Trent while Jin-Ho sat next to her.
Popping off the top of the bottle, that is when Cassie got a look at her drink. There seemed to be a ball jammed into the top of her drink. Looking over at Trent, Cassie noticed that he seemed to be confused as well. Looking past Trent at Jin-Ho, Cassie saw that he was drinking it.
“Hey, how do you open it?”
The red head looked over at Cassie. “I’ll try.” He stated, taking the bottle from Cassie. Placing his bottle down, the red head held the bottle with one hand and attempted to push the ball out of the way with the other. After a couple attempts, the red head frowned.
Placing it on the ground, he asked the blonde to help.
“Hold the bottle down.” He instructed as the blonde reached forward and brushed his hand against the red head’s. The cashier jumped. “What did you do that for?!”
The blonde looked over at him, and remained quiet. This time, he listened to the red head and held the bottle. This time, the younger boy used both hands and pushed down. It did not work. Again.
“What about …”
“No …” The red head stated, picking up the bottle.
“Just use the lid.” Jin-Ho stated as he took another sip.
“Lid?” The red head asked, bending over to see him.
Cassie picked up the piece of plastic she took off the bottle. “This?”
Jin-Ho nodded. Holding out his hand, the red head gave him the bottle and Cassie gave him the top. Placing the bottle on the ground, Jin-Ho placed the piece of plastic on the bottle, and then pushed. A strange popping sound echoed as Jin-Ho handed the drink back to Cassie. Taking the lid out, Cassie peeked into the bottle and saw that the bottle was gone. Looking through the side of the bottle, she saw that the glass ball was inside the bottle now.
“And I won’t choke on it?” Cassie asked as she took a sip. Jin-Ho was right, it did taste like sweat tarts.
“It stays in the bottle.”
“Does it taste good?” The red head asked, leaning forward. “I never bothered getting one because of all the trouble people have opening them.”
Cassie nodded, watching Trent open his drink. Unlike Cassie’s, his foamed a bit at the top and splatted on the pavement. Licking his fingers, she noticed that Trent looked rather flustered. Taking the piece of plastic off, Trent took a sip.
The five of them sat in silence. Occasionally the blonde would do something that caused the red head to yell at him.
Taking another sip of her drink, Cassie could not help but think they acted like an old married couple …
Suddenly she remembered her chocolate bar. Taking it out of her pocket, Cassie broke it apart and handed pieces of it to each of the boys. Trent shook his head when he was offered one.
“Thanks.” The red head smiled as he took a bite out of his piece. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the blonde whisper something to the red head. Blushing furiously, the cashier made some sort of strange noise as he stood up.
“Wh-what did you say?” He stuttered, his face growing redder by the moment.
Trent peeked over at the couple as he took another sip.
The blonde remained quiet, a small grin on his face as he watched the red head overreact. Cassie safely assumed that he was enjoying himself.
Crossing his arms, the red head took another sip of his drink.
Staring at him, Trent tilted his head, almost as though he did not understand the two of them. And truthfully, Cassie did not either.
A moment later, the red head sat back down next to the blonde. The blonde on the other hand leaned over and rested his head on the red head’s shoulder, only causing him to violently jump.
“Hey!” He yelped, looking up at the three of them. In response, the blonde only snuggled closer, muttering something about one of them being cold.
Cassie felt her chest heat up from the two of them. That just proved her suspicion.
The red head looked from the blonde to Cassie and Trent (Jin-Ho did not seem to care). Leaning forward, he asked if he bothered to bring gloves for himself. The blonde reached forward and grabbed the red head’s arm. Lifting it, he pointed out the gloves on the red head’s hand.
“Why didn’t you bring a pair for yourself, you idiot?” The red head pouted, looking down at the blonde.
“I forgot.”
The red head frowned. “How can you forget to bring gloves for yourself?”
The blonde remained quiet.
Turning away from the couple, Cassie felt her lip begin twitching into a smile. They were actually cute.
She heard the red head sigh. “Do you want mine?”
The blonde did not respond.
Cassie looked over at them, seeing that the red head handed the blonde one of the gloves. He hesitated for a moment, but took it. Slipping it onto his right hand, he held it up and looked at it. Then his brown eyes shifted to the red head, who now only wore a glove on his left hand. Looking down at his bare hand, the blonde then looked over at the red head’s bare hand.
Cassie watched as the blonde slipped his hand into the red head’s, causing him to yelp.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his face reddening.
“Holding your hand.”
Cassie hated to admit it, but she really loved watching them.
Looking at the red head to see his reaction, all he did was blush. Looking up, he noticed Cassie staring and blushed deeper.
Taking one last sip of her drink, Cassie looked over at Trent and Jin-Ho, who seemed to be finished. Standing up, Cassie dusted off her uniform.
“Well, that was something.”
“Thank you for letting us sit with you!” Trent chirped, a smile crossing his face.
“No problem.” The red head muttered, still flustered over the man draped over him. Reaching forward with his gloved hand, he patted the blonde on the head.
“Let’s go.”
For a brief moment, they let go of their hands as they stood. Before the red head even had a chance to stand up straight, the blonde’s hand was already reconnected with his. Blushing madly, the red head muttered a ‘good bye’ to the trio before walking off with the blonde, hand in hand.
Cassie looked over at Trent and Jin-Ho, only to see them watching the couple too. Trent tilted his head at them.

I was going to put other examples, but stopped myself xDD

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I don't know about your gardens, but mine has such pretty flowers right now :)