Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hello Everyone :D

Hello world of Bloggers!

Thank you for visiting my blog, though nothing is here yet, I hope some stuff will be here soon ;;;

This is minakonumnums and it's my first time posting here, since I just made this thing a few seconds ago. Sadly, I actually had a bit of trouble xD Just proves what a failure I am with technology, huh?

I plan on this being kinda like my deviantart account, but not really? I'm not too sure;;; My main goal is to have this be like a comics thing since I'm addicted to drawing minis because of Marek Bennett (who i just finished a class with yesterday, if he happens to have a class near you guys, it's really great :D) But sketches are probably going to be put up also because... I love sketches xD

So I'll just leave you with something, hm? (hope this works xDD)

Sorry if it's not very good xD I doodled it a second ago on the computer( Very cool colorsceme, huh?). It's a picture of some nameless kid i keep drawing, I drew him once before on DA (the kitty comic) and once for Marek Bennett's class. I kinda like him, though his only purpose is bad luck or to be made fun of xD I'm getting attached to him~ Maybe I'll do a mini of him? (i like the fact that his shirt changes with his face XD he's my only character who does that)

See you guys later! Thanks for reading!

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