Based off of a convo with Kbaby xDDD
What cracked me up about it was the whole: I KNEW IT Bit xD
Crimson (kitty) belongs to K-Baby
On an unrelated note, for those who follow my life, it's been a whole year to the date. (Scottie died) It still feels really weird without him. It's like I FEEL as though he should still be here, even after a year. I miss coming home and squishing him everyday :'( (As much as I love Bailey, she doesn't let me do that) And I miss how he used to smell my hands up and bite my pants. I'm actually wearing the pants that he tore a hole in. I did a really fail sewing job on them, but I can't get rid of them, even with all the stains of nail polish on them. Just like how I can't get rid of his stupid little bootie (it's a piece of plastic, it isn't even a bootie). It's still on the stairs where we used to lace it up on him. And his collar and his coat, the toys that my other dog doesn't play with, like his old loud balls. He made the strangest squeaking sounds whenever it got caught somewhere and we used to spazz at him xD And I really miss how smart he was, he even knew sign language in a really weird-doggie way. And I know all doggie owners say this, but he was so smart, he could
really get what you were saying when you talked to him.
For some reason or another, I hate how today was just another normal day. It really
shouldn't have been. I mean, he wasn't my dog but my God he was my
baby. I was seriously considering not putting a comic up today, in a way I find it to be wrong, but in another way I find it to be wrong to
not put one up. Like, last year even though I had plenty of time, I didn't have the heart to put up a comic. It would just be the comic I would end up hating.
I should leave before my brother notices that I've been crying, I don't know if he even remembers the date or if I'm the only one in the house that does. For all I know, if he notices that I've been crying he may just think it's some stupid reason, and I'd have to lie because I don't want to upset him.
But hey! I shouldn't be crying! He was a great little guy and we were lucky to have known him. I mean, we almost didn't get him, imagine the looser that would have, hmm? Those butt-heads!
RIP. <3