Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Off to Hawaii!

Here's a sacrifice! See you in a bit!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'll try to see if i can wake up early tom and post D: i'm running out of time yo.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Packing for Hawaii is like rubbing a butt in my face D:

In other news, 'The Secret of Kells' is a kick butt movie, holy crap

ALSO! I bet i'm the only happy about this: <3333 FINALLY~ <33 IT'S ACKNOWLEDGED! I've loved this series for years XDD like the ignored 'With the Light' XDD

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I went to a dog show today at a skiing place, I can imagine a few of the skiers were confused...Straw is just angry in general right now, I think he doesn't want to do anything :l He's off hiding behind the couch in my mind.
I'm too much of a bum to scan those three days tonight xD

Saturday, February 19, 2011

in other news~ I totally did a page of doodles owo I may or may not post when I feel like it. I might just rip it up or scribble it out, but it amuses me as of now
*CRIES* I really can't stop crying :'(

It's short :l

I noticed that my new hair cut is shorter than Choco's and died xD

I kinda..question this hair cut? that I currently have XD it's a lot flatter than I normally have. But alas, it's something new even though I asked for the same thing as I do every time. That's what I get for having a new person


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cut it all off~ 8D

I always considered Strawberry to have the longest bangs xD I remember having bangs that length a few years ago and I swore to NEVER put another character through that TORTURE xD

Monday, February 14, 2011

ok, if this works out, you guys are getting a sketchy comic xD I'm still working on it though since I just thought of it DX

Sunday, February 13, 2011



He should worry.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I don't know

I don't know what Lex's problem is D:

Something Wrong with Green?

My English teacher discovered how ugly my cursive is on Friday xDDD aww. He couldn't read my name...
And yes, he commented on my roman numeral dates XDDDD

Thursday, February 10, 2011


xD;; I dunno, I'm amused by the idea :3

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


xD For french class, we have to talk into a tape recorder...and yeah D: It didn't go well.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I was picked to say that I loved chocolate in French today xDD It amused me more than it should have :l

But Choco looked up how to say 'I love strawberries' (basically, of what little french I know, it looks more like: I love the strawberry, but same jist)

Monday, February 7, 2011

A new fantastic point of view~


*cough* I'm finally getting around to that parody I had in my head for what...3 years? XDD I'm just playing around with it, I doubt anything will happen D:

\ the title perverted or am I tired? XDDD

Sunday, February 6, 2011


My walk is 100% ice :l I luckily have an amazing brother who lets me hold onto him~ <3

Saturday, February 5, 2011

That's Amore~

I love that song >8D

And I secretly love Pineapple/Strawberry :l

*COUGH* I had thinking day today and we watched little girls be cute and dance around XD
We were Russia. YES.

And the Italy group....let's just say they were very cute xD and I haven't heard that song in forever 8D

Also, I'm fine, I'm just an angry person xD

Friday, February 4, 2011


xDD Note to self: don't try to color in markers when you're too tired to know what your hand is doing. It will look like poo

This is TOTALLY what I was referencing yesterday in my comic D:

I wrote this nice, little fluffy thing then STRAWBERRY JUST HAD TO FREAK OUT. I hope...Strawberry will...stop

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Perv/ Babble

Based off of a convo with Kbaby xDDD

What cracked me up about it was the whole: I KNEW IT Bit xD

Crimson (kitty) belongs to K-Baby


On an unrelated note, for those who follow my life, it's been a whole year to the date. (Scottie died) It still feels really weird without him. It's like I FEEL as though he should still be here, even after a year. I miss coming home and squishing him everyday :'( (As much as I love Bailey, she doesn't let me do that) And I miss how he used to smell my hands up and bite my pants. I'm actually wearing the pants that he tore a hole in. I did a really fail sewing job on them, but I can't get rid of them, even with all the stains of nail polish on them. Just like how I can't get rid of his stupid little bootie (it's a piece of plastic, it isn't even a bootie). It's still on the stairs where we used to lace it up on him. And his collar and his coat, the toys that my other dog doesn't play with, like his old loud balls. He made the strangest squeaking sounds whenever it got caught somewhere and we used to spazz at him xD And I really miss how smart he was, he even knew sign language in a really weird-doggie way. And I know all doggie owners say this, but he was so smart, he could really get what you were saying when you talked to him.

For some reason or another, I hate how today was just another normal day. It really shouldn't have been. I mean, he wasn't my dog but my God he was my baby. I was seriously considering not putting a comic up today, in a way I find it to be wrong, but in another way I find it to be wrong to not put one up. Like, last year even though I had plenty of time, I didn't have the heart to put up a comic. It would just be the comic I would end up hating.

I should leave before my brother notices that I've been crying, I don't know if he even remembers the date or if I'm the only one in the house that does. For all I know, if he notices that I've been crying he may just think it's some stupid reason, and I'd have to lie because I don't want to upset him.

But hey! I shouldn't be crying! He was a great little guy and we were lucky to have known him. I mean, we almost didn't get him, imagine the looser that would have, hmm? Those butt-heads!

RIP. <3

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Beaver Day~

Happy Beaver Day! <3

Secondly. It was another snow day. I love snow days, don't get me wrong. But I HATE shoveling. I spend my whole day shoveling on every snow day, there is not point in having a day off :l

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ooo~ National holiday thinger 8'D

Happy National Cherry Month 8'D

I don't think anyone will think this is funny XDDD

I always wanted to draw some sort of sick way. The whole tie pulling thing? But Straw is too EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to do that to Choco, and Straw wouldn't wear a tie XD
So! I said so.

And I like Choco being punched. No clue why.
I don't get why Choco likes to be with Straw XDD